Ontario Lacrosse Association COVID-19 Participant Vaccination Policy Last Updated: Jan 27, 2022

The Ontario Lacrosse Association is extending its protection of the health and safety of all participants by requiring certain individuals to be fully vaccinated from COVID-19. “Fully vaccinated” is defined by the Province of Ontario, and is subject to change; public health guidance on this topic continues to involve and may affect this policy in the future. The OLA reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

1. Policy overview. The purpose of this policy is to protect the health and safety of all participants by reducing the risk of exposure to and transmission of COVID-19. This policy is in effect immediately and until further notice, and is subject to changes in guidance received, or as a result of regulations which are passed by federal, provincial and local public health authorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. Policy application. This policy applies to all participants, associations, teams and leagues who are members of the Ontario Lacrosse Association and were born prior to January 1, 2010, including players, team officials (coaches, trainers, managers), game officials (on-floor, on-field and timekeepers), Association Executive Members (directors, officers, executives, staff, volunteers). At the present time, this policy does not apply to participants born on or after January 1, 2010, or to spectators unless otherwise specified by the municipality or territory in which the event is scheduled to take place.

3. Vaccination requirements. All participants eligible under this policy are required to be fully vaccinated with Health Canada approved dose(s) (including the 14-day period after receiving the dose which makes them fully vaccinated) by June 1, 2022 or earlier, and to present proof of their full vaccination status to their Association representative prior to the first date of participation. Acceptable documentation includes a digital or physical Dose Administration Receipt, or a vaccine passport or card that has been issued by the government of Ontario or the territory from which the participant received their vaccination.

4. Vaccination accommodations. The OLA will comply with the Ontario Human Rights Code by providing accommodation to any individual who is unable to be vaccinated for a valid medical reason which has been substantiated by a licensed medical practitioner, unless such accommodation cannot be made without inflicting undue hardship on others. If an individual cannot provide their Association with documentation of their vaccination, the following will be considered by the OLA’s representative: the person’s reason for not being vaccinated; and, documentation which supports the medical or protected reason for not being vaccinated under the Ontario Human Rights Code. The OLA reserves the right to have any documentation reviewed by medical specialists to verify authenticity. For individuals who are provided with an accommodation under this policy, a negative antigen, PCR or NAAT test result of not more than 72 hours must be provided prior to participation in each sanctioned activity.

5. Non-vaccinated persons. On June 2, 2022, any participant who is not fully vaccinated or granted an accommodation under this policy will be ineligible to participate in OLA-sanctioned activities until such time as they have presented satisfactory evidence of their vaccination status, or they have been granted an accommodation. At the present time, participants born on or after January 1, 2010, are not subject to this policy, nor are spectators in OLA-sanctioned events. Should the Province of Ontario mandate vaccination for children born on or after January 1, 2010 for participation in sport, the OLA will re-evaluate this policy and consider extending the definition, with due regard to the availability of approved COVID-19 vaccines. A negative COVID-19 test will not be accepted as a substitute for nonvaccinated persons, unless the person qualifies for a vaccination accommodation under that section of this policy.

6. Record-keeping. Proof of vaccination will be collected and verified at the Association level in accordance with the OLA’s Information Privacy Policy. Each Association is only responsible for verifying the information, and providing a signed form to the OLA to confirm that they have personally inspected the documentation provided by each participant, along with a list of those participant’s names who have been verified, if requested to do so. Any records maintained by the OLA will only be collected, used, retained or disclosed for legitimate operational purposes or as directed or requested by public health authorities. This information will be kept in a secure location to which access is only provided to a limited number of designated persons who are involved in the administration of this policy.

7. Changes to this policy. As this situation remains fluid and changes to recommended health measures become available, the OLA reserves the right to make any necessary changes to this policy, including during the established lacrosse season.

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