OLA Release Process


2024 OLA Release Process

Please send completed release requests to wdlaxpresident@gmail.com & zone6lacrossedirector@gmail.com

The link below is the ONLY version of a Release Request that will be accepted in 2024.

Please click here to download the 2024 OLA release form from the OLA Website.

Prior to any release request, the player must be registered with West Durham Minor Lacrosse Association for the current year. If you are seeking a release for both field and box, then two separate release forms must be submitted.

This OLA ‘Release Request Form’ must be used in all cases where a player wishes to be released from his/her current Lacrosse association, to sign and play with another association. The Player, a Parent or Guardian must fully complete the form for it be considered. Please send it via email to the President of the association from which the release is requested, with a copy also being sent to the Zone Director/Commissioner.

For more information, Please see the Ontario Lacrosse Website for the full procedure. Click here for that procedure.

There will be a $25 Hearing fee payable at or before your hearing.