In 2001, Don Swindells was one of the founding members of the West Durham Minor Lacrosse Association and was serving his second year as President when he passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer in August 2006.
For six seasons, Don dedicated his time and energy to build the West Durham “Rock” into an organization aimed at providing a fun and safe lacrosse experience for the children of Ajax and Pickering. In that time, he served as Rep Director, Field Director and, finally, President. However, the role he enjoyed most was that of coach.
For several seasons he coached his son’s team, and he was extremely proud of Kyle and his teammates for battling tough competition to win a Bantam provincial championship in 2002. He truly enjoyed every moment spent teaching the kids to play the game he loved.
Join us in honoring Don Swindells and embracing the spirit of lacrosse that he so passionately championed. We ask that everyone participates in this tournament with the utmost respect for themselves, their opponents, the coaches, the officials, the spectators and, most of all, the game!